Maryam Mairo Aminu Tambuwal: More Than A Governor’s Wife

Maryam Mairo Aminu Tambuwal: More Than A Governor’s Wife
May 27, 2017 mmawt

May 27th is one of the longest days of the year. But its significance is much more than just that. Even in a world in which women in many countries have broken through the glass ceiling, it’s still not the one thing to remind a woman of her age or for that matter to ask her age. However, when they reach a milestone birthday, it’s permissible to make an exception. Apart from been a date that marks the children day celebration in Nigeria, May 27th is the birthday of Hajiya Maryam (Mairo) Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, the founder of Maryam Mustafa Aminu Waziri Tambuwal (MMAWT) Legacy Initiative.

For past a year, she has dedicated her time, resources and energy busy creating awareness, supporting and promoting girl-child education, youth empowerment, awareness on diseases and epidemics, supporting widows, prisons inmates, juvenile Delinquents, orphans and less privilege. Her foundation has opened a way for the women and widows to be self reliance and prosper. The NGO today is forefront campaigning against discrimination and violence towards women, widow and children in Sokoto State. MMAWT Legacy Initiative since its inception has diagnosed and been taken care of over 200 patients of sickle cells across the State, free eye surgery were been conducted by surgeons from Netherland, United State and Sri-Lanka where over 150 patient were operated.

Taking into cognizance that funding and sustaining of an NGO’s is not a piece of cake, MMAWT Legacy Initiative signed an MOU with Medicine Sans Frontiers Doctors without Boarder and MSF International for timely intervention and providing health assistance to less privilege, women, and children in rural areas. On environmental aspect; MMAWT foundation has been involved in Tree Planting campaign and advocacy, environmental sanitation and safe drinking water. The NGO has also signed an agreement with Global Shea Alliance to empower women and youths training in Soap making, Beads making and other handcrafts. In her effort to improve Girls-Child education and campaign against school dropout, the foundation has been providing learning materials such as exercise books, uniforms, school bags and provision of essential materials to females of Boarding Schools across the State. The foundation has been frequently visiting Prisons across the State where over 200 inmates were released after having their fines imposed on them by the courts paid; in addition to that, items such as bedding, toiletries, and mosquitoes nets were donated to remand and orphans homes.

While NGO’s are today viewed as money making ventures in part of our world, her foundation has continued to sacrifices and contribute to humanity. The silent achievement of her NGO’s is first among equals in the history of Sokoto State. Mairo has broken through cultural, geographical and gender barriers, letting the world know it’s not our circumstances, but our heart that determines how far you go in this world. Hajiya Mairo’s influence has spread far and wide. She has used her power and status to contribute to human development; she has inspired women, widow, orphan and less privilege with her openness, compassion, and vision of a better world. Hajiya Mairo today apart from been the spouse of Governor Tambuwal, her NGO is now a rallying point for the entire sakwattawa’s; especially the women, widows and orphans who she has continued to rule their hearts and minds with the glaring contribution and the achievement of her pet project.

Her astuteness, conduct, simplicity, and charm are already an everlasting print in the mind of those she has been assisting through her pet project. Today, its undeniable fact that Hajiya Mairo women is already carving a niche for herself in the chronicles of history with the contribution of her pet project to the people of the Caliphate State. Through MMAWT Legacy Initiative; women, widows, and orphans are continued to be empowered in other to improve their lives hoods. The NGO has also been forefront in campaign for adult education, safe drinking water, Girl-Child education, Cancer awareness, healthcare awareness on (malaria, meningitis, cholera, polio, tuberculosis, and measles) through radio jingles, agriculture activities, crafts and food processing. These women have not only moved towards self-sufficiency, but in some instances, they were in the vanguard of self-reliance which will automatically lead to economic growth and development of Sokoto State.

The celebrant, Hajiya Mairo Tambuwal is a woman endowed with charisma, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and compassion which made her an ideal personality in many ways. As a politician daughter and wife of a politician, she has never been shy of contributing to the best of imaginable capabilities. She is Mairo in every manner, thus being an icon to many women not only in Sokoto State, but Nigeria. Mrs. Mairo Tambuwal’s enthusiasm for humanity has made her a role model for many in championing the cause and supporting of less privilege. Today, she is already dubbed as Sokoto State’s Jackie Kennedy for been a pillar of support and encouragement to her husband’s administration. It’s not an implausible comparison. She has often brought smiles on the faces of many people particularly because of her sense of style of humbleness, openness, and passion to support humanity. She has the same ease, cosmopolitan nature, accommodating, self-confidence, natural presence, and aura of personality as her husband, Governor Tambuwal.

Hajiya Mairo is a daughter who knew the tribulations of cloistered confinement, a bride who has been supporting her husband and a mother figure who could easily move with people regardless of their race, religion, gender or status. She is indeed a woman of honour who gave honour and raised the honour of her womanhood by giving them an identity. She is a fine example and worthy of emulations for young ladies, wives of public officials and wives of politicians to emulate in other to build independent lives and take our society forward in this, still young century. She has been preaching dedication and selfless service to our country, our people and to the pristine of values of justice, equality and freedom in these struggling countries of ours. As Governor Tambuwal’s story is now part of Sokoto State and Nigeria’s folklore with his silent achievement both as a Speaker of House of Representatives and currently as a Governor, its undeniable fact that Hajiya Mairo Tambuwal is no doubt a partner in progress that is close to the equal of her husband’s with her dedication and commitment to the plight of women, widows, orphans, and children in Sokoto State.

The Caliphate State which is ranked among the lowest in the country in terms of enrolment of Girl-child education is now trending courtesy of her NGO’s advocacy which she is carrying from community to community and door to door in Sokoto State. Within two years, she had encouraged and boosted school enrolment which will definitely increase literacy level among females in Sokoto State. As a Governor’s wife, Hajiya Tambuwal has demonstrated her steadfastness and irrepressibly demonstrated unwavering support to the good governance and delivering dividends of democracy to the people of Caliphate State by the administration of her husband through her foundation.

Hajiya Mairo Mustafa nee Tambuwal knows what it means to be unique. Like her beloved husband, Mairo now stands in the antechamber of history with her contribution to humanity and development of Sokoto State. There is no gainsaying that MMAWT Legacy Initiative is a foundation that has touched the lives of many and is still doing much more to put smiles on faces, homes, and communities. Happy birthday and happy many returns to a woman who is so much more than a Governor’s wife.

By Hajiya Maryam Kamal Inuwa
Source: The Elites


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