MMAWT Legacy Initiative Collaborates with Deaf Women Association of Nigeria, ECOWAS Community, Ipas And Other Ngo’s To Host The 4th Deaf Women Health Awareness Week in Abuja.

MMAWT Legacy Initiative Collaborates with Deaf Women Association of Nigeria, ECOWAS Community, Ipas And Other Ngo’s To Host The 4th Deaf Women Health Awareness Week in Abuja.
January 12, 2018 mmawt

MMAWT Legacy Initiative Collaborates with Deaf Women Association of Nigeria, ECOWAS Community, Ipas And Other Ngo’s To Host The 4th Deaf Women Health Awareness Week in Abuja. Themed: Ensuring Access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence for Deaf Women.

The Founder and wife of State Governor H.E Maryam Mairo Tambuwal was represented at the Occasion by the MMAWT L.I Executive Director, Hajiya Aisha Haruna Ibrahim.

The event started at about 11:00 am with a welcome address by the president of the Deaf Women Association (Abuja chapter) Mrs. Helen Ogboye who was delighted to welcome everyone to the program. She mentioned that deaf and women and persons with disability, in general, face a lot of challenges especially with regards to accessibility and communication. She, therefore, called on the president of the federal republic to please sign the disability bill into law so that they all can have a voice and better life in their communities. She also called on the deaf women not to feel discouraged to seek medical attention when it is needed despite the challenge of communication that they face.
The IPAS Country Director Barrister Hauwa Shekarau stated that the importance of an event such as this cannot be overemphasized.

‘There is need to organize events like this not just on the international days but continuously’
She challenged the organisers to endeavor to invite lawmakers to their programs to ensure passage of the disability bill as soon as possible. She congratulated the organisers and all the partners for their support towards making the event a success.
Ambassador Lehman, Australian high commissioner talked about the readiness of the Australian government to support programs targeted at persons with disability.

The founder of MMAWT Legacy Initiative Hajiya Maryam Mairo Aminu Waziri Tambuwal who was represented by Hajiya Aisha Ibrahim the executive director of the organization had Her video message televised for the participants after brief remarks by Hajiya Aisha.
The Jamaican High commissioner talked about the Jamaican Council for People With Disability who organize various programs particularly on the need to end violence against women.

The representative of Abuja Urban Transport urged the participants to join hands in building a security conscious community where equal opportunity is available to all.
. A keynote address by the IPAS official on ‘The role of stakeholders in improving the sexual and reproductive rights of Deaf Women’
A question and answer session followed the presentation.
There were also various displays and performances from Children of Abuja School for the deaf.
The Special Adviser to the president on disabled matters urged lawmakers in various states to pass the disability commission bill into law. He explained that MARVIS is an initiative of the federal government through his office.

M-Medical Assistance
R-Rehabilitation Centers
V-Vocational training

In his goodwill message, the acting executive secretary of Human rights commission in Nigeria added that the constitution of Nigeria prohibits any form of discrimination to any person whether individually or as a group. The ECOWAS Chairperson reiterated the commission’s commitment towards protecting the rights of PWDs. He added that a lot still needs to be done especially with the legislature. He rounded up with the assertation of a message of hope, solidarity, and commitment from ECOWAS to the organization.

The closing remark was given by the vice chairperson who thanked the wife of the executive governor of Sokoto state for her support and acceptance to be the Mother of the day at the planned events.

Signed : Amina Yahaya
MMAWT L.I Ambassador


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