MMAWT Legacy Initiative Team Visits Maryam Abacha Women And Children Hospital To Mark World Cancer Day

MMAWT Legacy Initiative Team Visits Maryam Abacha Women And Children Hospital To Mark World Cancer Day
February 8, 2018 mmawt

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008. The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2020.

To mark the day, a delegation of MMAWT legacy initiative led by Hajiya Laraba Dattijo, visited patients at Maryam Abacha Women and children hospital Sokoto. The team was received on arrival by Dr Lawal, the Chief Medical Director of the the hospital, who took the delegation round the hospital Wards. In her Goodwill message to the patients delivered by Hajiya Laraba Dattijo, the wife of the governor, Hajiya Maryam Mairo Aminu Waziri Tambuwal Called on the patients to consider their ailments as a test from God Almighty and be steadfast in following the medical regimen prescribed to them. She prayed to Allah SWT to grant them speedy recoveries and also called on the hospital management to treat the patients with care and compassion.

In his response, the Chief Medical Director of the Hospital, thanked the wife of the governor for the visit, which he said demonstrates further the commitment of the Governor’s wife to the welfare of the citizenry. He recalled that a team of Nurses from the Hospital were last year sponsored to be trained on Cancer detection techniques by the Wife of the Governor. The training he said has already yielded results as 34 cases of early Cancer diagnosis were detected by the trained nurses so far.

The team later went round the hospital Wards and presented Cash donations to all the admitted patients in the hospital, including those suffering from other ailments that are not Cancer related.

The MMAWT legacy initiative delegation consisted of, Hajiya Laraba Dattijo, Hajiya Fatima Illo,Hajiya Binta Lawal Maidoki, Hajiya Asma’u Habibu Shagari, Hajiya Hadiza Tureta,Hajiya Hadiza Danmadami, Hajiya Aisha Maina, Malama Hafsatu, Hajiya Maimunatu Hayaki, Members of the MMAWT legacy initiative Youth Vanguard and members of Women and youth groups affiliated to MMAWT legacy initiative.


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