Sokoto state !

Sokoto state !
October 14, 2018 mmawt

Sokoto state !

All of us at MMAWT legacy initiative seize this medium to thank everyone who continue to work tirelessly for the entrenchment of peace , unity , security , society and national development for the common man !

The outpouring of love , solidarity and support shown to ‘ the peoples Governor’  by the entire people of Sokoto state today cannot be under stated.

We thank all the women groups , Youths , civil society groups , members of the press , the elites , party faithfuls and others for their time and resources .

We recognize and re-echo the fact that the grass root comrades and populace must remain a priority in nation building !

As Rt.Hon Aminu Waziri Tambuwal arrived Sokoto in the early hours of today and addressed the people of the state at the government house for their unwavering support and confidence in his leadership abilities .

It remains clear the voice of the people is ultimate .

We affirm our commitment to fulfilling the mandate of Humanity .

Thank you all and God bless 

We conclude by this quote 

‘’ Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence’’

John Adams

Once again , Congratulations to our amiable Governor and the entire Sakwatawa’s at the seat of the caliphate .


Hajiya MMAWT

(Founder MMAWT legacy initiative ) p


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