October 18, 2019 mmawt


The Nigerian Association of women journalist (NAWOJ) Sokoto state chapter were given audience for their proposed courtesy call .

Founder and wife of the Governor , Hajiya Maryam Mairo Aminu Tambuwal was briefed on the intent of the visit which is meant to intimate her on the activities carried out by the association as well as solicit the support of her Excellency in vast areas needing more efforts and support .

Receiving Nawoj , Hajiya Maryam Aminu waziri Tambuwal expressed optimism saying these had been her priority as the duties and mandate of the association had always been for the cause of promoting and contribution to societies development , in the interest of the people of Sokoto state by objective dissemination of vital informations on the works of Sokoto state Government across the state, community builders and shapers , Non-profits , and also programs of spouses of the Governor .

Key areas were noted for continuos deliberations , collective advocacy and synergies .
Notably, The recent disability bill assented on for inclusion , moral burden from decay , politicization of outlets , Education , Health and welfare , work tools etc were at the front burner .

The state NAWOJ delegates emphasized they were at the meeting on a collective mandate and with one voice , affirming those of their colleagues whom are yet to return from Saudi Arabia for Hajj and submitted the documents signed .

Credit :
Dr.Hauwa Abubakar


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