MMAWT LEGACY INITIATIVE 5TH & 6TH DECEMBER, 2019 Report on the UN international Days for persons with disabilities and deaf women health Awareness.

MMAWT LEGACY INITIATIVE 5TH & 6TH DECEMBER, 2019 Report on the UN international Days for persons with disabilities and deaf women health Awareness.
December 8, 2018 mmawt


5TH & 6TH DECEMBER, 2019

Report on the UN international Days for persons with disabilities and deaf women health Awareness.

Theme: Empowering persons with disabilities to ensuring inclusiveness and equality. 

On the 5th was the Medical Outreach for these class of persons ! 

The program started at exactly 11:00am, with opening prayer and National Anthem said by all, then the introduction of dignitaries to the high table was announced. 

Mrs Helen Beyioku Alaska delivered a welcome address as the chairperson of Deaf women Association of Nigeria Abuja. 

With All protocol duly observed, 

Mrs Helen was filled with so much joy that at last they were able to host a befitting occasion with the support and fund from US embassy! under the project HER “health, empowerment and right” of deaf  women and girls on sexual reproductive health right.  

Project HER, was borne out on the need to address the communication gaps that deaf women and unexpected mothers living within Abuja often lamented such as the absent of sign language interpreters, limited information within health facilities etc. 

Secondly, it is a known fact that persons with disabilities especially Deaf women and girls are the most neglected and rejected group due to communication barriers, face discrimination in labor markets, education and other services. Furthermore they are working towards attaining the vision 2030 sustainable development goals.

Deaf women Association of Nigeria (DWAN) Abuja chapter , is advocating for the rights and inclusion of deaf women in Nigeria with a special focus on sexual and reproductive health rights, economic empowerment and elimination of violence against Deaf women, education and accessible health care. 

The Founder was represented by Hajiya Laraba Dattijo and the team where she delivered , H.E Maryam Mairo Tambuwal’s goodwill message and the event was concluded by remarks from Mrs Helen who expressed her sincere thanks to MMAWT legacy initiative and the United States embassy for funding the project worth to be among the beneficiaries for the grant for the second time. 

IPAS country director Bar. Hauwa Shekarau and National President ‘DWAN’. Mrs. Adedoyin Beyiokun-Alase respectively gave keynote address on Ensuring inclusiveness and Equality for Deaf women to access their sexual and reproductive health rights. 

They also went ahead to show us a visual representation of challenges faced by deaf women especially in health facilities and how the best practices is to ensure inclusiveness and equality for deaf women to access their SRHR and health facilities in Abuja. 

Presentation of awards were made followed by vote of thanks. 


Stephanie Nkachukwu

MMAWT Legacy Initiative 

Abuja Office .


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